"Make new friends, but keep the old.One is silver and the other gold.”
Friendship Day occours on the first Sunday of August.
Therefore, August 6, 2006 is the International Friendship Day , the best time of the year to recognise the true value of your friends and their contribution to your life. Friendship helps to bring peace in people's souls and positivity to the globe - everybody must celebrate this holiday with the greatest joy.
"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies."
Albanian -- mik ; Afrikaans - vriend; Chinese - péngyou; Dutch - vriend,vriendje; Danish - ven; Estonian - sõber; French - ami; German - freund; Georgian - megobari; Hungarian - barát; Indian - dostitalian - amico; Irish - cara; Japanese - tomodachi; Korean - jingu; Latin - amicus; Manx - carrey; Old English - freond, wine; Persian - dust; Russian - prijátel; Sanskrit - mitra; Spanish - amigo; Swahili - rafiki; Turkish - dost,arkadas.
"Make new friends, but keep the old.One is silver and the other gold.”
Friendship Day occours on the first Sunday of August.
Therefore, August 6, 2006 is the International Friendship Day , the best time of the year to recognise the true value of your friends and their contribution to your life. Friendship helps to bring peace in people's souls and positivity to the globe - everybody must celebrate this holiday with the greatest joy.
"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies."
Albanian -- mik ; Afrikaans - vriend; Chinese - péngyou; Dutch - vriend,vriendje; Danish - ven; Estonian - sõber; French - ami; German - freund; Georgian - megobari; Hungarian - barát; Indian - dostitalian - amico; Irish - cara; Japanese - tomodachi; Korean - jingu; Latin - amicus; Manx - carrey; Old English - freond, wine; Persian - dust; Russian - prijátel; Sanskrit - mitra; Spanish - amigo; Swahili - rafiki; Turkish - dost,arkadas.